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GREEN stands for Grameen Revival Entrepreneurship Empowerment Network.

GREEN was founded by Suraj Kumar, a techie turned organic farmer. He was also an environmental activist as part of Deep Green Resistance and later left the organziation to become a trained teacher of Transcendental Meditation. He is a geek at heart, with a passion for understanding and teaching concepts useful to life. GREEN is a vehicle to attract like-minded people who have concerns about the health of individuals, of communities, and of the biosphere itself.

In the search for understanding why there is suffering in the world, it came to us that the suffering is due to a divide - the self/other divide which manifests itself as the urban/rural divide. It became crystal clear to that there are thousands of diverse ways of living - not one solution. And yet, there is one dominant paradigm - one "solution" being thrust upon everybody else. It comes in the form of modernity and urban way of life.

So, the proximal question that lead to GREEN being started was "How do we bridge the Urban Rural divide?". Unlike many ongoing efforts to "educate" the rural farmer to become educated in english and mathematics and other western educational ideas, and to adopt modern technology and modern economic values, we believe quite the opposite -- that the education needs to happen to the urban. A successful education campaign for the urbans would lead to them seeing the farmer truly as who the farmer is - one subsisting on Nature's limited flows of energy and materials. Within those limitations, the aspirant who wishes to help correct the world's trends must learn to work within those constraints and without compromising the values one discovers in the process. Within those limitations, the good willing aspirant needs to question and reinvent the dominant (industrial) culture of the urban way of life.

GREEN is sustained by the community of people who benefit from gathering to share / gain knowledge and by networking to help each other. GREEN strives to turn every transactional interaction into a gift culture based commitment oriented network where real action on the ground becomes the short-term as well as long-term goal. Without involved action, all talk is meaningless.

GREEN's vision is to help bring about a deep understanding of every urban person's relationship with the rural world and the Natural world. We believe that from correct understanding, correct actions will emerge. To achieve this, we conduct courses. 

In the process of conducting courses we wish to spot talented entrepreneurial aspirants, and help them in every possible way, by being an Incubator for rural entrepreneurship.  We believe that there is no need for everybody to become a farmer or a rural entrepreneur, but everybody has to understand how we are all related to the farmer and the natural world.

Our mission is to allow Self Discovery to happen in a systematic, objective way and for Systems Thinking to  be inculcated as a discipline in every individual in a self-driven, subjective way.

Through encouraging Systems Thinking, we help people become Objective in life. We believe that it is very important to have a sense of long term impacts of our actions, even if the actions are addressing short term needs. This, is best done by becoming disciplined in Systems Thinking.

Self Discovery goes beyond the Objective terms of who we are. It involves coming directly, and subjectively, to terms with who one really is - ie., to gain direct perception of the subtlest aspects of Consciousness. Transcendental Meditation is taught as part of our programme.


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